Explore the
Within YOU!
The next-generation
SWimming Ai mentor
Whether you’re a pro SWimmer or just
getting started, SWim-WiSe.app will
explore the SWimmer within YOU!
swim-wise-logo markunread Grab Your Badges The Psychology behind SWim-WiSe.app After each SWimming session,
SWim-Wise analyse your SWim metrics
and will deliver your badges and medals
upon every aspect of your SWimming
accompanied by encouraging massages.
swim wise app badges ans medals feature  
SWim-WiSe app
for Apple Watch
Your first step into a journey exploring the SWimmer within you! You can become a better SWimmer every time you get in the water. Whether you’re a beginner, amateur, or professional, have more fun and SWim smarter. Download here
Main features Apple Watch detects your SWimming style and precisely tracks every stroke while you SWim. Our sophisticated Watch app records your SWimming data and displays averages of your SWimming speeds compared to your last 4 SWimming laps. Meet our TrackBar Analyser TrackBar Analyser is being displayed after each new lap detected. -Each bar represents last 4laps speed Avg.
- Red Bar - Your SWimming pace getting slower
- Blue Bar - You SWim on your average pace (in a range of +/-10% of your average speed)
- Green Bar - Your SWimming pace getting better (Swum last 4 laps faster by 10% of average speed)
swimwise apple watch app.jpg swim-wise apple watch screen track bar_100
Explore your
Improvement Trends
Make the relationship between your swimming Technique, Speed And determination crystal clear
Determination, Speed & SWimming Technique Tap the Trends tab to see how you’re doing compared to your best past records on Determination, Speed and Technique scopes (for any specific style SWum) as follows:
Learn about you new records (Distance, SWim duration, Laps)
Speed (Lap speed, Stroke rate)
Technique ( SWOLF, Distance per stroke)
swimwise swimming trends
swim-wise-logo Iphone app Watch APP blog markunread download swim-wise.app here swim-wise-logo Iphone app Watch APP blog markunread download swim-wise.app here Encouraging messages
just after
each session
Each new record is detailed analyzed and delivered with encouraging messages
You've swum your longest ever dfdsvffdbgsb
Contact Us Visit us in our Tel Aviv based office or write an Email. SWim-WiSe.app
Levinsky 83
T. 972 3501 3994